Move Like the Dude

In every season, inside and out, we take care. Last month we refreshed the flowers, and climbed the ladder to fly a new flag. On our quaint European inspired street, the steps and sidewalks always seem to have sand to sweep. 

So, with old world vigour, I make small piles, then plié or hinge to pick up the bits blown in by the wind, or tossed to the street on a careless whim. If I keep to the daily routine, it never takes me long. I enjoy serving the building, and tending to the street for everyone to enjoy.

Sometimes, we even tend to the littlest details. Last month that included moving the dude in the window every day. I often wonder who looks up into our windows to notice? Or, if passerby’s are making the same commitment to move their bodies every day.

Do you make the same commitment? Are you interested to learn about efficient and effective ways to start? Choose your shape, and feel good as you take care of your physical and mental wellness with movement. Follow along with us this week at our live classes, or with links in the archive.

Take care, stay strong and learn to move like the dude,

Lauryn and Ian

Stop worrying about the shape you are in, and focus on the shapes you can make instead. Express your strength, and practice skills for longevity and the celebrate with simple movements for wellness everyday.

Ian Conlon