the B.E.S.T. Training Principles


Watching a YouTube video depicting one of our other favourite entities — architecture and real-estate, TV host George Clarke congratulated the home owners on successfully executing their vision throughout  a newly renovated space. Over the duration of the building process, George challenged them to adopt brave, elegant and simple schemes to create both a functional and fulfilling space. 

I reached for the iPad — hit pause, and refreshed the stream to hear him say it again. Then, looking towards Lauryn at the other end of the couch I asked, “what is the acronym that best describes our own training philosophy?” 


  • Be different. Avoid fads and invest in simple equipment and great information.

  • During exercise., Immerse yourself in safe physical and mentally challenging situations.

  • Starting and sustaining your strength endeavours may be difficult. However, persevere. Embrace the “suck”, and continue your journey to wellness with courage.


  • Your workout doesn’t always have to be so sweaty to have a positive impact on your life.

  • Pursue mastery in a desired task or skill and learn to make it look easy.

  • Balance your routines with kettlebell strength and endurance alongside the soft skills of movement. Learn tension and relaxation.

  • Practice with intention and promote quality vs, quantity in your activities.


  • Stick to the basics with inspiration from old school strength, and classical movements like the ballet.

  • Training vs. Enter-train-ment. Consistently practice the movements with slight variation to efficiently develop your skills and effectively measure your progress.

  • The basics can follow you here, there and everywhere. With minimal equipment, find a practice that is timeless and transportable.

Training takes Time

  • Practice consistency vs. Intensity

  • Ten minutes, one hour, the dose is different for everyone, but any time spent connecting there mind and body is worth while. If you are waiting for the perfect time to start, you may never find the time.

  • There is no end date, be patient and practice to benefit your lifestyle for the lifetime.

We follow the B.E.S.T. training principles in our online workouts and video content on our YouTube Channel. Practcing strength, learning to stretch and playing with our bodies we look forward to sharing more with you soon. Please visit our YouTube channel to like and subscribe to brave, elegent, simple and timely exercises for wellness and strength.

Take Care,

Lauryn and ian

Ian Conlon